India's only company capable of carrying out the complete operation of integration, deployment, data management, and retrieval in the Ocean Observation Space.

Norinco Sea worthy, OEM trained team undertaken & completed 250+ mooring operations - deployments and retrievals till date, which include everything from near shore to deep sea projects.

Our service team is sought for most of the challenging Oceanographic missions by institutions in India.

Association with NIOT since 1997

Assembly Integration Testing and Maintenance of ​Moored Buoy Systems AITM​

  • Assembly of Mechanical Modules of Buoy
  • Integration of Electronic Sensors​ and Testing
  • Cruise Preparation
  • Mooring
  • Deployment & Retrieval
  • Maintenance
  • Buoy Reports (Mechanical, Testing, Onboard, Deployment and Retrieval)
  • Stores Management

24x7 Manning of NIOT Data Centre

Norinco engineers manning the data center at NIOT 24X7, 365 days CORNEA - Centre for Ocean Realtime iNformation viEw and Archives at NIOT, Chennai

Service Strength

Long association with many Oceanographic research and educational institutions across India

Our Director was felicitated in appreciation of Norinco's role in the Data Buoy Program from Inception. Looking on were the Norwegian Ambassador to India, HE Hans Jacob Frydenlund, Dr. M. Ravichandran, Secretary MoES, Dr. G A Ramadass, Director NIOT, Dr. Tata Sudhakar, Group Head-OE, OOS.

We endeavor to play a key role in NIOT and India’s Data Buoy Program in the future also.

We were honoured and privileged to be a part of the celebrations of NIOT’s 29th foundation day and the Silver Jubilee of the National Data Buoy program.

It has been an amazing journey, one that we are very proud to be associated with

Sea-worthy, OEM trained and Experienced team that has the ability to sail for 2 to 3 months continuously.

Deep-sea mooring experience

We are the only company with expertise and proven experience operating deep sea mooring systems (>4000m) for environmental data collection that include multiple sensor suites, which is quite different from operating coastal buoy moorings.

It was part of deep sea projects for National Institute of Ocean Technology (MoES, India)

Team capable of attending to break down, routine and preventive maintenance round the clock while sailing on board.

Expertise in Calibration of Various Sensors in house and at OEM

Appropriate infrastructure at every major port for active support during port calls. Well Equipped with tools, test equipments and machineries

Excellent rapport with OEMs, Shipyards, Regulatory Authorities and Customs Authorities

Manufacturers of many of the sampling gears