The Make in India initiative was launched by Prime Minister of India in 2014 as part of a wider set of nation-building initiatives. Devised to transform India into a global design and manufacturing hub, Make in India was a timely response to a critical situation in India's growth story.

The policy of the Government of India is to encourage 'Make in India' and promote manufacturing and production of goods and services in India with a view to enhancing GDP and employment. This policy gives purchase preference to suppliers who ensure local content above a stipulated threshold.

This is a huge opportunity for overseas technology providers and original equipment manufacturers who have unique technology and products to be a part of this movement. We have helped several OEM’s fulfil this requirement.

With Make in India-Order 2017, India has entered a new phase especially in manufacturing sector. Ministry of Commerce and Industry has issued directives and guidelines for minimum local content of 20% and also Purchase Preference where the vendor bidding for government projects is able to ensure over 50% local content.

Even prior to this directive, Varya has been working with OEMs on Defence projects for over 20 years where large content to the extent of 65% has been manufactured, tested under Classification Societies and supplied for some of the most critical projects in defence sector as well as for private players in ship building and repair segment.

This experience of local manufacturing base in fabrication of machined and heavy equipment, hydro-mechanical systems, electrical systems and other critical machineries has come handy to meet ‘Make in India’ requirements.

We have successfully been guiding our OEMs on Make in India requirement and work on responsibility-split between overseas technology providers and Indian manufacturing base to successfully satisfy the requirement to qualify for purchase of preference which is as large as 50%.

If you have Make in India requirements or would like to explore the possibilities please contact us to know how we can help.