Norbit aptomar

NORBIT Aptomar, provides project management and support services who can deliver capability to clients enabling 24/7 remote surveillance services within oil spill detection, vessel collision avoidance and environmental observation of birds and mammals. NORBIT has the experience to assist professional mariners with the establishment and ongoing maintenance to operational remote or centralised control centres ensuring the safeguarding of personnel, the environment and assets

SENSORS: We deliver sensors and sensor platforms used for a large number of monitoring, detection and reporting tasks, such as oil spill detection, vessel collision avoidance and environmental observation of birds and mammals. Either as standalone or integrated as part of a larger monitoring system.

SITUATIONAL AWARENESS SOLUTIONS: Our complete SeaCOP monitoring system allows the operator to manage multiple operations on multiple locations, whether it is for situational awareness purposes, environmental purposes or emergency response.

The Product Range

The SECurus System
Long range, high sensitivity multi mission electro optical sensors


  • Cooled infrared camera sensor
  • High definition daylight camera
  • 300W Xenon Searchlight


  • Face in the water : 3 km
  • Canoe 3m x 1 m : 6 km
  • Ship 60m x 30m : 18 km

Main features:

  • All sensors stabilized in 6 degrees of freedom
  • Rugged sensor system, serviced on site, low life time cost
  • Powerful features within oil spill management, surveillance and security, search and rescue

FLIR Infrared Camera System
Maritime handheld and fixed mount camera systems

A powerful electronic chart system (ECS) for multi mission operations

  • Mark, label and store areas and positions in the map
  • Create weather and drift adapted search patterns, retrieve equipment and people easier and faster
  • Detect, track and document all incoming and surrounding traffic

Integration with other sensors

  • Radar OSD systems
  • AIS and ARPA integration
  • ROV, Aerostats, satellite imagery and GIS

Information sharing, collaboration and fleet tracking

  • Collaborate and share data between vessels, and between vessels and land
  • Record video, take screenshots and still images
  • Send pictures and videos on email

for monitoring, detection and surveillance operations, with one centralised operator, managing multiple operations covering multiple locations.

Exploration and production

  • Seismic operations
  • Drilling campaigns
  • Fields in production

Navy and Coast Guard

  • Surveillance and security
  • Search and rescue
  • Environmental monitoring

Harbours, terminals and coast lines

  • Vessel traffic monitoring
  • Environmental monitoring and polluter identification
  • Perimiter and waterway security