The Minox process was developed by Minox and Norsk Hydro’s Research center back in 1985-1990.

The first unit was delivered to Statoil’s Snorre A Platform in 1991. Since then the process has been continuously improved and optimized and has proven to be a very efficient, robust and reliable way to deoxygenate water. To date about 30 systems have been supplied world-wide.

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USP of Minox

  • Nearly 30 years of operational experience in offshore projects.
  • Low weight, small footprint and low height compared to conventional systems
  • Flexible in design and capacity and can be tailor made to customer’s requirement
  • Wide operational range, can be applied in non-hazardous areas,
  • Operates on positive pressure and
  • Requires no chemicals (oxygen scavenger) to meet required specifications.

Norinco contact :   Nandan Tavanandi | +91 9892463633

The Product Range

Fast docking equipment for geater efficiency at shipyards.

Minox®Compact - 2-Stage de-oxygenation process of sea-water
A key process feature is the method of contacting the nitrogen stream with the water in static mixers where co-current turbulent flow is achieved, producing highly efficient mixing of water & gas, simultaneously striping the disolved oxygen from the water - to very low concentrations. Does not require any scavenger chemicals.

The low system weight combined with flexible and skid mounted design allows for efficient tailoring in accordance to the customers' specifications. Each unit can be tailor made to fit into a given space which makes it possible to install on existing platforms, or when conventional deaeration systems are being upgraded. In such cases, the process will not only enable injection water volumes to be increased with a reduced oxygen content, but the need for scavenger chemicals is eliminated or greatly reduced, as well as saving fuel gas for stripping.

The Minox®Tower
Based upon the same basic principle of cycling & purifying nitrogen gas, this system offers a competitive alternative to vaccum & fuel gas de-aerators, yielding a very low residual O2 content. In this system the contacting between the nitrogen stream & the water is done through counter-current flow over a packed bed of structured packing. The system can operate under atmospheric, or a few bar pressure. The danger related to using natural gas as stripping gas is removed.

It is even possible to convert exisiting vaccum or fuel gas towers into Monox®Tower and makes it possible to increase water flow through the tower. The system allows for a residual O2 content down to 20 ppb or less, without applying scavenger chemicals.