AMC services onboard India's Premier Research Vessels

In today’s multifaceted world of oceanography, Norinco offers scientists a simple, cost effective and successfully proven solution. Norinco’s Annual Maintenance Contract services onboard research vessels includes maintenance and operation of research and auxiliary equipment.

30 years - Providing Exceptional Service

30 years in operation of oceanographic equipment and data collection

The only company in India to have ocean going engineers who can sail for long durations and operate scientific equipment under very demanding conditions.

Branches in different seaports in India with adequate support of manpower and infrastructure.

Long association with the OEMs of major equipment listed in the Tender

OEM-trained engineers with experience of over 3 decades

Only company in India certified exclusively for Annual Maintenance

ORV Sagar Kanya

ORV Sagar Kanya

ORV Sagar Kanya

ORV Sagar Kanya

ORV Sagar Kanya

ORV Sagar Kanya

CRV Sagar Anveshika

CRV Sagar Anveshika

ORV Sagar Nidhi

ORV Sagar Nidhi

ORV Samudra Ratnakar

ORV Samudra Ratnakar

FORV Sagar Tara

FORV Sagar Tara

BDV Sagar Manjusha

BDV Sagar Manjusha

FORV Sagar Sampada

FORV Sagar Sampada

24/7 Operation & Maintenance of research and deck equipment

  • Multi Channel Seismic System
  • Deep Sea Multibeam Echosounder
  • Shallow Water Multi beam Echosounder
  • CTD systems
  • Thermosalinographs
  • Automatic Weather Stations
  • ROV
  • Integrated Auto Trawl System
  • EK 60
  • Deep Sea and Shallow water Echosounders
  • L3 Communications, Syquest,Simrad
  • Piston Coring System
  • Multi Coring System
  • Vibro Coring System
  • Multi net samplers
  • Grab Samplers, Water Samplers
  • Box Corers, Gravity Corers, Deep Sea Sampling Dredges
  • Dynamic Positioning System
  • MDM
  • Special purpose integrated Hydraulic Winches, Heave Compensation Systems, LARS and Crane
  • Synthetic Aperture Sonar System
  • Acoustic Navigation System
  • Pingers
  • Magnetometer
  • Gravimeter
  • Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers
  • Auto Analyser
  • Chlorophyll analyser
  • Autosal
  • CCTV Systems
  • Oxygen Titration Systems
  • Navigational Echo Sounders

CTD Operation

A CTD (Conductivity, Temperature, and Depth) system is a vital tool for understanding seawater properties and their impact on marine ecosystems. It employs small probes on a metal rosette wheel, lowered by cable to the seafloor. Connected to a shipboard computer, scientists monitor real-time water data.

Service Strength

  • Well experienced pool of engineers who are with us for over 20Years
  • Sea-worthy, OEM trained and Experienced team that has the ability to sail for 2 to 3 months continuously
  • Our service team is sought for most of the challenging Oceanographic missions by Pioneer Research institutions in India
  • Fully understand the Mission requirements, plan and achieve the targets to meet customer satisfaction
  • Experience of attending more than 60 dry docks of Research Vessels and well experienced in Installations and servicing of Hull Fittings
  • Reporting system evolved from years of experience meeting international standards
  • Participated in all Southern Ocean Expeditions to Antarctica on invitation
  • Well experienced in Installation, Commissioning and servicing of high end underwater acoustic equipment viz. SBP, ADCP, MBES etc