As a partner with EOLOS, Spain, Norinco is excited to introduce the EOLOS Floating LiDAR Buoy to the Indian market. This collaboration brings state-of-the-art wind assessment technology to India's offshore wind industry. With Norinco's expertise and support, clients in India can harness the power of EOLOS's advanced LiDAR technology to accelerate the development of offshore wind energy projects.

EOLOS is one of the few floating LiDAR providers who are CARBON TRUST LEVEL 3 Certified.


EOLOS measures wind, metocean and environmental data using its FLS200 in-house technology, equipped with:

Light Detection and Ranging sensor ‘LiDAR’

Wave and Current Sensors

Bird, bats, marine mammal, and fish detection sensors

Since 2015, EOLOS has performed a considerable amount of projects in wide range of locations achieving a significant level of availability, exceeding Carbon Trust’s KPIs acceptance criteria.

The EOLOS floating LiDAR buoy, deployed across Europe, Asia & the Americas has exceeded the quantitative indicators of both accuracy and availability independently assessed by DNV, Frazer Nash and Multiversum.

Product Specification & Features:

Low mass; installable using widely available tug boats

Ease of delivery worldwide, by sea or air freight, in standard containers

Pre-commissioned at assembly facility: ease of interfaces with global marine partners

Fully autonomous & all-in-one system-power, measuring & communications

Renewable energy generation, no diesel fuel emissions nor exhaust

Proven stability of measurements in the harshest conditions