
Norinco has participated in several transfer of technology programs with institutes such as National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT) to bring product concepts to the commercial stage. These products have application in the fields of Oceanography and defense.

Transfer of Technology (ToT) License agreement with NIOT and NRDC

Norinco has also developed several products on its own such has

  • Chainbag Dredge
  • Sediment Grab
  • Ekman Grab
  • Vanveen Grabs
  • Smith McIntyre Grab
  • Gravity Corer
  • Plankton Net
  • Bongonet
  • Corer Systems
  • Niskin Water Sampler
  • Van Dorn Sampler

As systems integrators Norinco can supply high-end oceanography equipments such as Clean CTD, Deep water SFOS, TV Grab by collaborating with the best Oceanographic engineering companies and institutes in the world and providing Indian research institute with the most advanced research technologies in India.

the product range

Ocean Drifter Buoy with INSAT Communication

Met-Ocean Buoy System Type -1 (MOBS-1)

Wireless Expandable Conductivity Temperature and Depth (WXCTD)